var DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj; /** Constructor **/ function DHTMLgoodies_formTooltip() { var tooltipDiv; var tooltipText; var tooltipContentDiv; // Reference to inner div with tooltip content var imagePath; // Relative path to images var arrowImageFile; // Name of arrow image var arrowImageFileRight; // Name of arrow image var arrowRightWidth; var arrowTopHeight; var tooltipWidth; // Width of tooltip var roundedCornerObj; // Reference to object of class DHTMLgoodies_roundedCorners var tooltipBgColor; var closeMessage; // Close message var activeInput; // Reference to currently active input var tooltipPosition; // Tooltip position, possible values: "below" or "right" var tooltipCornerSize; // Size of rounded corners var displayArrow; // Display arrow above or at the left of the tooltip? var cookieName; // Name of cookie var disableTooltipPossibility; // Possibility of disabling tooltip var disableTooltipByCookie; // If tooltip has been disabled, save the settings in cookie, i.e. for other pages with the same cookie name. var disableTooltipMessage; var tooltipDisabled; var isMSIE; var tooltipIframeObj; var pageBgColor; // Color of background - used in ie when applying iframe which covers select boxes var currentTooltipObj; // Reference to form field which tooltip is currently showing for this.currentTooltipObj = false, this.tooltipDiv = false, this.tooltipText = false; //this.imagePath = 'images/'; //this.arrowImageFile = 'green-arrow.gif'; //this.arrowImageFileRight = 'green-arrow-right.gif'; this.tooltipWidth = 200; this.tooltipBgColor = '#FFFF99'; this.closeMessage = 'Cerrar'; this.disableTooltipMessage = 'No volver a mostrar'; this.activeInput = false; this.tooltipPosition = 'right'; this.arrowRightWidth = 5; // Default width of arrow when the tooltip is on the right side of the inputs. this.arrowTopHeight = 5; // Default height of arrow at the top of tooltip this.tooltipCornerSize = 10; this.displayArrow = false; this.cookieName = 'DHTMLgoodies_tooltipVisibility'; this.disableTooltipByCookie = false; this.tooltipDisabled = false; this.disableTooltipPossibility = true; this.tooltipIframeObj = false; this.pageBgColor = '#FFFFFF'; DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj = this; if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE')>=0)this.isMSIE = true; else this.isMSIE = false; } DHTMLgoodies_formTooltip.prototype = { // {{{ initFormFieldTooltip() /** * * * Initializes the tooltip script. Most set methods needs to be executed before you call this method. * * @public */ initFormFieldTooltip : function() { var formElements = new Array(); var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'); for(var no=0;no'); = 'absolute'; = '0px'; = '0px'; = (this.tooltipWidth) + 'px'; = 100; this.tooltipIframeObj.background = this.pageBgColor; this.pageBgColor; this.tooltipDiv.appendChild(this.tooltipIframeObj); if(this.tooltipPosition!='below' && this.displayArrow){ = (this.arrowRightWidth) + 'px'; }else{ = this.arrowTopHeight + 'px'; } setTimeout("self.frames['tooltipIframeObj']'" + this.pageBgColor + "'",500); } this.tooltipContentDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); = 'relative'; = 'DHTMLgoodies_formTooltipContent'; outerDiv.appendChild(this.tooltipContentDiv); var closeDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); = 'center'; //closeDiv.innerHTML = '' + this.closeMessage + ''; /* if(this.disableTooltipPossibility){ var tmpHTML = closeDiv.innerHTML; //tmpHTML = tmpHTML + ' | ' + this.disableTooltipMessage + ''; closeDiv.innerHTML = tmpHTML; } */ outerDiv.appendChild(closeDiv); document.body.appendChild(this.tooltipDiv); if(this.tooltipCornerSize>0){ this.roundedCornerObj = new DHTMLgoodies_roundedCorners(); // (divId,xRadius,yRadius,color,backgroundColor,padding,heightOfContent,whichCorners) this.roundedCornerObj.addTarget('DHTMLgoodies_formTooltipDiv',this.tooltipCornerSize,this.tooltipCornerSize,this.tooltipBgColor,this.pageBgColor,5); this.roundedCornerObj.init(); } this.tooltipContentDiv = document.getElementById('DHTMLgoodies_formTooltipContent'); } // }}} , addEvent : function(whichObject,eventType,functionName) { if(whichObject.attachEvent){ whichObject['e'+eventType+functionName] = functionName; whichObject[eventType+functionName] = function(){whichObject['e'+eventType+functionName]( window.event );} whichObject.attachEvent( 'on'+eventType, whichObject[eventType+functionName] ); } else whichObject.addEventListener(eventType,functionName,false); } // }}} , __positionCurrentToolTipObj : function() { if(DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.activeInput)this.__positionTooltip(DHTMLgoodies_globalTooltipObj.activeInput); } // }}} , // {{{ __positionTooltip() /** * * * This function positions the tooltip * * @param Obj inputObj = Reference to text input * * @private */ __positionTooltip : function(inputObj) { var offset = 0; if(!this.displayArrow)offset = 3; if(this.tooltipPosition=='below'){ = this.getLeftPos(inputObj)+ 'px'; = (this.getTopPos(inputObj) + inputObj.offsetHeight + offset) + 'px'; }else{ = (this.getLeftPos(inputObj) + inputObj.offsetWidth + offset)+ 'px'; = this.getTopPos(inputObj) + 'px'; } + 'px'; } , // {{{ getTopPos() /** * This method will return the top coordinate(pixel) of an object * * @param Object inputObj = Reference to HTML element * @public */ getTopPos : function(inputObj) { var returnValue = inputObj.offsetTop; while((inputObj = inputObj.offsetParent) != null){ if(inputObj.tagName!='HTML'){ returnValue += inputObj.offsetTop; if(document.all)returnValue+=inputObj.clientTop; } } return returnValue; } // }}} , // {{{ getLeftPos() /** * This method will return the left coordinate(pixel) of an object * * @param Object inputObj = Reference to HTML element * @public */ getLeftPos : function(inputObj) { var returnValue = inputObj.offsetLeft; while((inputObj = inputObj.offsetParent) != null){ if(inputObj.tagName!='HTML'){ returnValue += inputObj.offsetLeft; if(document.all)returnValue+=inputObj.clientLeft; } } return returnValue; } , // {{{ getCookie() /** * * These cookie functions are downloaded from * * * This function returns the value of a cookie * * @param String name = Name of cookie * @param Object inputObj = Reference to HTML element * @public */ getCookie : function(name) { var start = document.cookie.indexOf(name+"="); var len = start+name.length+1; if ((!start) && (name != document.cookie.substring(0,name.length))) return null; if (start == -1) return null; var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";",len); if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(len,end)); } // }}} , // {{{ setCookie() /** * * These cookie functions are downloaded from * * * This function creates a cookie. (This method has been slighhtly modified) * * @param String name = Name of cookie * @param String value = Value of cookie * @param Int expires = Timestamp - days * @param String path = Path for cookie (Usually left empty) * @param String domain = Cookie domain * @param Boolean secure = Secure cookie(SSL) * * @public */ setCookie : function(name,value,expires,path,domain,secure) { expires = expires * 60*60*24*1000; var today = new Date(); var expires_date = new Date( today.getTime() + (expires) ); var cookieString = name + "=" +escape(value) + ( (expires) ? ";expires=" + expires_date.toGMTString() : "") + ( (path) ? ";path=" + path : "") + ( (domain) ? ";domain=" + domain : "") + ( (secure) ? ";secure" : ""); document.cookie = cookieString; } // }}} }